I welcome you to the homepage of the Faculty of Engineering, Bayero University, Kano We are proudly one of the leading Faculties of Engineering in Nigeria. Our team of seasoned and dedicated staff has been a major strength that has sustain our outstanding profile among faculties of Engineering in Nigeria. Our mission is to produce competent and professional engineering graduates with the creativity and entrepreneurship skills that are worthy in character and learning to compete in a dynamic world. Since our humble beginning in 1978 with three departments, today the faculty has grown to 6 departments offering 10 programmes – Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Automotive Engineering. Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering and Telecommunication Engineering. All the programmes have full accreditation status from both the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) except the newest programme, Automotive Engineering which was just commenced last year (2021). Our graduates are employed all over the world – in Europe, America, Asia and many places in Africa, participating in human development at par with their counterparts anywhere in the world. The faculty also runs Postgraduate programmes at Diploma, Master and PhD levels. In Engineering our concern is not only to offer a highly qualitative training to our students, but we are also concerned about their welfare, hence we receive very reasonable fees from our students which indeed is one of the lowest in Nigeria. Details can be found in the appropriate sections of this website.
The faculty has received a number of awards/certificates locally and internationally as recognition for her remarkable feat in qualitative education and training of vibrant engineers. The faculty periodically reviews its curricula to keep abreast with the current trends in engineering discipline and be able to respond adequately and appropriately to the needs of the society. As evidence of hard work of our committed staff, the faculty has won a number of national and international grants and interventions such as Royal Academy Grant UK, Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab) donated by the French Government, TETFund National Research Fund (NRF) grants, Institutional Based Research (IBR) grant among others.
In order to ensure an educationally conducive and socially congenial atmosphere for excellent learning, the faculty is not oblivious of the need to avail students with necessary extra-curricular social interaction corridors and sporting facilities. Our students partake in membership of several professional and nonprofessional association where they interact among their peers and discover their leadership potentials. The faculty organizes routine sport competitions among staff and students as a strategy of enhancing healthy staff-student relationship. Our favourites games this year are football (soccer), basketball and table tennis (engineers are good with their hands). In this year’s inter-faculty games, we reached up to the finals in table tennis and basketball. We reached the semi-final stage in football. Our teams are working very hard to bring in all the cups next year. We also have intra-faculty games where students from the 6 departments compete against each other.