The main objective of Postgraduate Studies in the Nigerian University System is to further develop the spirit of enquiry in the postgraduate students through training in research in an atmosphere of intellectual independence and individual creativity combined with a strong sense of team work. In pursuit of this objective, academics and students constitute a single team in a wall defined and purposeful endeavor of human development.
The College of Postgraduate Studies is the coordinating unit of all the Postgraduate Programmes of the University. The officers of the College include the Dean, Deputy Deans, the Secretary and a host of administrative and technical staff.
Pursuant to this objective is the fostering through instruction, of a deeper understanding of advanced concepts and an increasing ability to apply fundamental student in the college of Postgraduate Studies must, therefore be made to realize quite early that his intellectual growth and subsequent success are directly related to the depth of his command of basic principles and his ability to apply those principles. Hence, although graduate studies are usually associated with a high degree of specialization, such specialization must be achieved in the context of extending mental horizons, producing new orientation and developing a depth of understanding in the relevant discipline.