The School of Continuing Education (SCE), formerly Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development (CCEPD), was established in September 2011 primarily as a warehouse for all the BUK Sub-Degree programmes transferred from within the various faculties. The Centre was also shouldered with the responsibility of monitoring, supervision and proper coordination of all the Sub-Degree programmes conducted by BUK affliate Institutions across the country. The Centre was also mandated to organize various Professional programmes for the benefit of the immediate community. Later, the University Senate in its 307th meeting dated 24th November 2012 changed the name of the Centre to Institute of Continuing Education (ICE). On 29th April, 2015, the name of the Centre was again changed to School of Continuing Education (SCE) and its functions redefined to mount Part-Time Bachelor’s Degree and operate Open and Distance Learning programmes vide the 329th Senate meeting. The School comprises of four Departments viz, Department of Arts and Humanities, Education, Science and Department of Social Science and Administration.