The beginning of the 21st century is appropriately labelled the start of the Information Age largely because of the huge dependence on information: how it is created; processed; manipulated; managed; and utilised by individuals, institutions/organizations, governments and businesses. It is therefore not unexpected if experts in the Science and Technology of Information became amongst the firsts in the shopping list of human resource managers both in government and businesses. It is even more anticipated that the demand by students and prospective students for skills and training in disciplines related to Information Science would be on the increase.
Responding to these sorts of demands from the society and offering the courses that will provide the requisite training and skills that would drive development is one of the businesses of the University. While a few of such related courses are being offered in this university, scattered in different Faculties and Centres (e.g. Computer Science in the Mathematical Sciences Department; Computer Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering; Information Science in the Department of Library and Information Science; and a number of certifications in the Centre for Information Technology) there are a number of others in high demand that are not being offered in the University (e.g. Software Engineering; Computer Studies; Telecommunications; Business Information Systems; Management Information Systems; Artificial Intelligence; etc).
Believing that those courses related to Information Science that are being offered in the University need to be brought under the same umbrella for proper coordination, mutual academic cooperation, and effective utilisation of common facilities and resources; bearing in mind that the University needs to respond (within its available resources and strategic/developmental plans) to the societal demands for more Information Science-related courses; cognisance of the fact that the University has, in its employment, a number of specialists in these disciplines and would need to recruit a few more to meet the manpower demands for the new courses; and considering the global best practices in university education of grouping related disciplines under a common umbrella, it is hereby proposed that Bayero University, Kano shall establish a Faculty that would house all Information Science-related courses/programs.