Faculty of Education, Bayero University, Kano, was established shortly after Bayero University, Kano became a full-pledged university in 1977. The Faculty is an offshoot of Department of Education, Abdullahi Bayero College, Kano which came into being in 1972 under the affiliation of Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Gradually, the Faculty (BUK) gave birth to six departments in the following order: Education, Library and Information Sciences, Adult Education and Community Services, Physical and Health Education, Special Education, and Science and Technology Education.
The Dean’s Office and the six departments migrated to the new Faculty complex in the middle of 2014. The migration was smooth with little or no complaints following the fair distribution of offices to the departments and Deanery officers. Prior to the relocation exercise, the Dean’s Office provided the following: Plastic numbers for all the offices, lecture rooms and toilets across the blocks in the Faculty complex for identification; Golden frames for name-tags fixed on the doors of each office in the Faculty Administrative Block;