Kano Studies: Journal of Savannah and Sudanic Research (New Series)


Editorial Policy

Kano Studies is a Bayero University multidisciplinary journal covering a variety of subjects and issues on the Savannah and Sudanic regions primarily, but with interest in related subjects from wider regions of the world. It publishes original articles of high academic standard in English, Arabic, French and Hausa languages twice a year.

Articles Format

  1. The journal calls for well researched articles, which should normally not exceed a maximum of 16 pages of A4 size paper including references.
  2. Articles should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere in any form or in another language outside the languages of Kano Studies.
  3. Articles should be typed using 12pt font size, Times New Roman, double-spaced with 2.2” margins top and bottom and 1.6” left and right.
  4. Articles should preferably be in MS Word format.
  5. Articles should be submitted together with an abstract of maximum of 250 words written in single spacing. However all abstracts must be written in English.
  6. All photos, drawing, diagrams, illustrations and other images in the manuscript should be in digital format, preferably as JPEG or GIF files and their positions clearly marked in text.
  7. For articles in Arabic, the rules of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, must be followed.
  8. Authors should use APA (in-text citation)style in acknowledging sources. All works consulted should be cited at the end of the article under the heading “References” in the following format:
    1. Books
      Adamu, A. U. (1994), Reform and Adaptation in Nigerian University Curricula 1960-1962: Living on Credit Line. New York: The Edwin Mellen Pres
    2. Journals
      Smith, T. P. (1966), “The Earliest Iron-Age Sites in Africa” in Journal of Modern African Studies. Vol. III No. 2 pp. 163-180


  1. Articles can also be submitted electronically as attachment to the following email address:
  2. Articles for submission should contain title, name(s), institutional affiliation(s), email address(es) and phone number(s) of the author(s)
  3. Contributors should pay the sum of N10,000.00 or $50.00 assessment fee and the sum of N20,000.00 or $100.00 publication fee for an accepted paper
  4. All payments should be made electronically via the website.
  5. Authors of accepted paper will be notified via email.


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